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    Aloe Neem Cream - 6 gm

    Rs 105
    Category: 105
    HSN: 3302
    Stock: 8 Items In Stock
    Vendor : Kapilanalam
    Size / Weight:

    Aloe Vera:

    1. Skin Moisturization: Aloe vera gel is well-known for its moisturizing properties. It can be applied topically to hydrate the skin without leaving it greasy.

    2. Sunburn Relief: Aloe vera is commonly used to soothe sunburned skin. Its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties may provide relief from sun-related skin irritation.

    3. Wound Healing: Aloe vera may promote wound healing and has been used traditionally for minor cuts, burns, and abrasions.

    4. Anti-Inflammatory: The gel from aloe vera leaves contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for reducing inflammation in the skin and other areas.

    5. Digestive Support: Aloe vera latex, though controversial due to potential side effects, has been traditionally used as a natural laxative. However, its use for this purpose is not recommended without proper medical supervision.

    6. Oral Health: Aloe vera is sometimes included in dental care products for its potential benefits in promoting oral health and reducing gum inflammation.

    Castor Oil:

    1. Hair Care: Castor oil is often used in hair care for its moisturizing properties. It may help condition and nourish the hair, promoting shine and reducing frizz.

    2. Eyelash and Eyebrow Growth: Some people use castor oil on eyelashes and eyebrows with the belief that it can encourage growth. However, scientific evidence supporting this claim is limited.

    3. Skin Conditions: Castor oil is sometimes used topically for various skin conditions, including dry skin and dermatitis. Its emollient properties can help soften and soothe the skin.

    4. Joint and Muscle Pain: Massaging castor oil into joints or muscles may provide relief for some people due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

    5. Laxative Effects: When taken internally, castor oil is a potent laxative and is occasionally used for short-term relief of constipation. However, its use for this purpose should be approached with caution, and consulting a healthcare professional is recommended.

    It's important to note that individual reactions can vary, and not all uses of these products are supported by robust scientific evidence. Before using aloe vera, castor oil, or any other natural remedy for specific health concerns, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Additionally, always perform patch tests on a small area of skin before using new products to ensure you do not have an adverse reaction.

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